Thursday, 20 January 2011

Wednesday/Thursday 19th/20th January

Very sad news today regarding school.  I arrived in to school to the news that somebody had tried to remove some lead off the roof over night.  This is not something that we are used to at Lyndon Green, but it does not stop us in our daily routine, we pick ourselves up and start again.  More Inspire workshops again with the attendance of over 20 parents for 6M.  This workshop allowed the parents to see the materials that the children of Year 6 will be tested in, in May of this year. 

It is Thursday evening and the clubs are about to start again this evening, 25 of our football squad will be put through their paces as well as over 30 children completing Art club, then for the first time this year the tuneful sound of over 30 guitars being put through their paces with Mr. Orr.  So in total we will still have approximately 85 children out of 370 left in school until 4.30.  Good going!

I am looking forward to the class assemblies starting again tomorrow and this time it is the turn of class 5GB, I look forward to seeing many parents there.
Mr. Rothwell