Monday, 22 November 2010

Monday 22nd November

Start of another busy week in school and today started with the visit of a few furry friends. We had our visit from the animal lecturing service. We were visited by a collection of interesting animals, from snakes to meercats. The children were all glued to what was being said. Fabulous behaviour from everyone and I am sure that they all enjoyed the lecture. I will be looking for feedback so that we can judge whether to re-book next year.

Today marked the start of lots of visits by teachers into each others class. The teachers have started to come and spend an hour in each others class to observe what is happening. We are monitoring the standard of our teachers and the work that the children are completing. I had the pleasure of spending an hour in one of our Year 3 classes today. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lesson as did I. They ended up making their own Roman Road after investigating different sources of information. Great fun.

Spending time outside of school tomorrow looking at how we can improve Literacy and Numeracy even further.

Write soon.
Mr. Rothwell

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Rothwell
    thanks for your comments on monday.
    p.s we really,enjoyed you being in 3m
    from M.B.
